Day 238 of 366: The world lost a hero today: Neil Armstrong

I am amazed beyond description when I think of the feat that Neil Armstrong and his team completed in 1969. The tiny computer in my hand has significant more power than the ones that put men on the moon. Yet we are at a point where many do not pay attention to our current work in space. I hope with Curiosity and future missions, we can bring a focus back to scientific exploration.

Right now, my four-year-old daughter claims she wants to be an astronaut when she grows up. This is the longest she’s stuck on one idea for quite a while. If she does make it to space, as I dreamed I would at her age, it will be because of people like Neil who led the way

Rest in Peace, Neil Armstrong.

Check out NASA’s memorial page to Neil Armstrong.

Did you dream of flying into space yourself? What moment, memory, or person inspired you the most?

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