So much to do. How to find time to blog?

I have so much to juggle in life. I’m busy chasing around and playing with my two children who are four and six. They sure keep me busy! Once the house has quieted down for the night, usually way past their bedtimes, a long list of items appears on my to do list:

  1. Unpack boxes
  2. Keep the house clean
  3. Get caught up on 10 months of scrapbooking
  4. Exercise
  5. Go to sleep early
  6. Read
  7. Spend time with my husband
  8. Practice Spanish
  9. Prepare for my next conference/work day
  10. Write a blog post

While the list has no specific order of importance, blogging gets lost in the blur of the “everything else” that needs to be done. I answered a question during the Twitter #mnlead chat tonight that my best reflection came the year that I blogged.

The only time that I’ve been successful with blogging was when I did it every. single. day. How can blogging fit into the every day when these other items also need to fit into the daily race?

I guess that the first step is to start small. This is a start, and hopefully, a spark to keep the posts coming through the summer and into the fall.


How do other bloggers find the time to get their writing down?