A Preview of Tomorrow’s Resources for the TIES #appsmashday

Tomorrow I am honored to take part in presenting at the TIES App Smash Day. For a description of AppSmashing, read the paragraph below.

AppSmashing is the art of using multiple apps in conjunction with one another to complete a task or project. This high-energy day will introduce different iPad “Smashtivities” that will redefine classroom projects. Participants will experience the workflow of each Smashtivity and create a Smashtivity project.

I am excited to explore ThingLink with the participant learners. At the link below, you can view the resources that I have put together.

Smashtivity #3- ThingLink Resource Page

  • A Jog the Web presentation with a dozen ThingLink examples and additional resources.
  • A presentation exploring some AppSmashing options to enhance ThingLink projects.
  • A presentation walking through the basics of getting started with a ThingLink project  on an iPad.

Check out the resources on my presentation Wiki. If you have ideas of how to bring learning to life with ThinkLink, please share!