Students proudly represent the SLP Digital Learning Initiative at #TIES13


Spring Lake Park Schools posted a news article today about our students who presented at the TIES Conference this fall. You can read the article here Students and staff present at educational technology conference.

During the presentation, I scrambled to keep up with the ideas being shared by the panel of students. Below you can see the Tweets that I was able to capture during the session. This was a great experience for the students, and they were a positive representative of our district’s Digital Learning Initiative.

“Students Tell All: K-12 1:1 Digital Initiative”

Monday, December 16 • 12:15pm – 1:05pm

So proud of the Spring Lake Park students presenting at #TIES13 today! Students tell all.


SLP student: It has changed learning a lot but not too much to be confusing. It helps us to reach higher standards. #TIES13

SLP student: Research in science is easier. We can research faster. We can find an answer out of the blue- faster than before. #TIES13

SLP Student: Teachers are using classroom webpages and Moodle pages to hyperlink to resources and work. Intermediate uses Showbie. #TIES13

SLP Student: It has helped us to become independent in our learning. You’re not just listening. It’s not boring. #TIES13

SLP Student: With Google Drive and Notability, I can download homework from 9th grade and have access it it again. #TIES13

SLP Students top apps: Notability, Pages, Safari, Google Drive, RAZ Kids, Showbie, iMovie, Quizlet, CampusPortal #TIES13

SLP Student: I have better time management. I am more organized. I can maintain my notes in one area. Teachers can share notes. #TIES13

SLP Student: Through Google Drive our teachers would share a document. I could hear others ideas, from those who may be more quiet. #ties13

‏RT @elizeducation Logan: 6th Grade – “When we all type into Google Drive, I know what I think, but I also get to hear what everyone else thinks.” #ties2013

SLP Student: The iPad is so big for our learning that you don’t want to break it. We treat it with care. #TIES13

SLP Student: The iPad is a gift, not a right. #TIES13

SLP Student: In second grade, not many students are having reminders (warnings). I feel proud about it for the kids. #TIES13

SLP Student: I’d like for more teachers to post videos online explaining something. With a video online, we can pause. #TIES13

SLP Student: Teachers could put more info online. We get worksheets and notes. But they could go more in depth, help us visualize. #TIES13

SLP Student: A book doesn’t shut down on you. It’s still good to have a backup plan. #TIES13

SLP Student: Whether or not we use the iPad depends more on what the teacher is teaching than which teacher’s room you are in. #TIES13

SLP Student: We have to have teacher consent to have an app. We can’t have Angry Birds. It has to be educational. #TIES13

SLP Student: If you forget an iPad, they expect you to be responsible and bring your own material. I did it once, and I won’t again. #TIES13