We are looking for great presenters for #mnitem’s April 30th Event

Do you know someone who is making a difference in education by Reimagining Learning? They may be hosting a MakerSpace, rethinking the learning environment, expanding learning beyond school walls, and so much more.  Please share the opportunity to present at the ITEM Spring Conference. Check out the website here: https://sites.google.com/site/itemapril30/ 

Here is our Call for Proposals:

Present a session or host a Maker Table:
2016 Call for Proposals

* You can propose a 45 minute session.

* Or, host a MakerSpace table. Bring and share an item that could find a home in a MakerSpace. Share your experiences and how you see the item connecting to student learning.

Lead presenters will receive free registration.

Who do you see as a current leader in transforming education?