My Banned Books Week Will Be Delayed

There were just too many things going on at the beginning of this year for me to celebrate Banned Books Week. My students won’t know the difference if I delay it out a few months!

Oh, the possibilities for displays are overwhelming. Just search Banned Book Displays on Pinterest, and the Boards are bountiful!

Screen Shot 2014-09-26 at 9.39.52 PM

Here are a couple infographics that put Banned and Challenged books into a compelling visual presentation.

This is from BookPal. I love the fact that historically challenged books are now classroom staples. Lord of the Flies was the first book that I taught in Practicum.

Presented By BookPal


I believe this next one is from Hellen Alden and Entertainment Infographics. Book Bans Infographic

 What are your favorite Banned Book media center ideas? How do you discuss the right to read with your students?