Day 271 of 366: Guided Access: Educational Potential?

Honestly, I guess I lost focus when hearing of the iOS 6 updates. Maps has hit the news big time, but the other features really didn’t catch my attention. Therefor, I missed the intro to Guided Access. Spurred to look at it today by a collegial conversation, I was intrigued by the concept. I found a great explanation that I tweeted here: @jenlegatt: How to put your iPad into “Guest User” mode with Guided Access

My questions to you:
Does this feature seem plausible in a large scale iPad rollout?

I can see the advantages of limiting access. Though, it is my own children’s exploration and differentiation in app activity that meets their curiosity and learning targets.

I see it as an answer in the case of a student who, by age or disability, accidentally leaves an app that they are working in.

I could also see a teacher locking a student into an app to control their access after a breach of behavior contracts or responsible use policy.

But, would teachers really use Guided Access with the 25, 30 or 42 students in their classrooms? I see this as a lot of work to limit creativity and freedom of learning.

I am curious as to your take on the idea. Would you use Guided Access in a classroom environment? If yes, in what capacity? If no, what enhancements would be needed to make it a useful tool?

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