Introducing the MakerSpace to my staff

I took the risk to introduce the MakerSpace concept in five minutes to the staff that I work with at North today. It was a risk. I had a few slides in an intro presentation. I reminded teachers of the help I can give them in my specialties of media and information literacy. And then… I introduced the MakerSpace.

The reaction was there that I had hoped. Teachers who had tough populations to touch in traditional methods were the first to connect with me.

I introduced a MakerSpace site in a follow up email at

Blogging here on my professional site is a lot of work. Will I keep up a media/Maker blog and site? I sure hope that I can.

It is so important that those out in front document their struggles and successes. Whether it is the first Interactive White Board and the first Responder sets just a few short years ago, or the first 1:1 programs: I think we need to share our journeys.

Today I introduced to staff the MakerSpace journey at Hopkins North. I am hopeful about leading the forward momentum of what a Library Media Center means to a school community.