23 Mobile Things: 5. Notetaking #23ThingsMN

With my phone in my pocket, I have a digital notebook in pocket all of the time. It took a cold break, but I let go of all paper planners and notes, for the most part. My brain thinks in lists, much to my husband’s amusement. This Thing is just up my alley.

In Thing 5, we were challenged to use at least one listed notetaking app and write about how you may be able to use it personally or professionally. The app from 23Things that I have looked closest at is Dragon Dictation, which is described below. My other apps that fit under this Thing are below, too.


I used the basic iPad/iPhone notes for quite a while. I liked the simplicity of the interface. I moved to other tools once I wanted to archive and share more of my notes.

Dragon Dictation

Dragon Dictation is a powerful app with voice recognition. It will capture what you say, theoretically, and create text. The first downfall of the app is that it is hit and miss in recognizing what I am saying. Also, I think more clearly putting ideas down on paper or typing than I do speaking them.


Notability has some of the same features as Bamboo Paper, one of the suggested apps in Thing 5. You can create notebooks or folders. Bamboo Paper has quite a few In App purchases to make the app more powerful. While Notability is a paid app, I think it one of the most powerful apps on our student’s iPads. This has replaced much of the traditional folders and notebooks for student work.


Evernote is my personal list app of choice at the moment. The power in Evernote is that it syncs with my husband’s Android devices so that we can share information. The list that sees the most use is our grocery list, which we update almost daily.  I also have notes for summer activities, books to read, gift lists, and a list of what we want and need in a new house.

Bonus: 2Do

A bonus app for professional lists is 2Do. There is both an iPad and computer version, and I invested in purchasing the combination. This is where I keep my professional to-dos. I can put in due dates, make notes, and categorize the lists.  Long term projects go into 2Do so that I can visually see what is on my plate.


What is your favorite notetaking app?