Day 247 of 366: The First Day of School

Tomorrow is the first day of school. I am very excited and nervous for the start of a new district and a new building. For the past three years, I have been part of eight different buildings.

In Spring Lake Park, I am thrilled to be part of one building for teacher support- and also part of a team of Tech Continuous Improvement Coaches.  Tomorrow is different than my last three first-days. I have an office in the media center, a hub of student activity. And, I have a classroom worth of 9th graders showing up to my Advisory.

Tomorrow is also my four-year-old’s first day at a “full-day” school. She will be part of a Community Education program for students her age. It will compliment her preschool program.

I am a proud Mommy! And, a nervous teacher. I don’t think she understands the significance of her first day. So, I will be nervous for both of us as she sleeps soundly in the next room.

Good luck to my fellow teachers, their wonderful students, educational leaders and administrators, custodians, office staff, and all the other people who come together to educate our future.