What Makes a Video Go Viral? Tian Tian in the Snow

I often wonder what makes a video go viral. Today’s five trending videos have millions of views. Screen Shot 2016-01-23 at 10.10.06 PMMy favorite, and one that got two hits from me, is Tian Tian in the Snow. I love the fun the giant panda has playing in the feet of snow falling on the East Coast. I also admit that I laughed at the Undercover Boss Starkiller video. But how, in a day, could the pranks video get almost two million views?

Videos go across my social media feeds constantly, and I admit that I am not a big video clicker. In a later post, I need to dig into the statistics of how many minutes are dedicated each day to watching just YouTube. I would probably not be able to process the numbers tonight. So, instead, I share with you the cute romp in the snow.

What is your favorite video clip that has gone viral? What clip have you seen that was quite popular, but you just didn’t get why?