Day 263 of 366: My top tool find of the day: Gapminder

How had I never seen Gapminder?  During our McREL training today, the Human Geography teacher next to me showed me Gapminder early in the day. It also appeared in the resource list of the presentation.

Gapminder creates digital representation of data  points on a large variety of data over time.  Compare birth rates in various countries. Literacy rates. Age of marriage.

The teacher I was sitting with says that he will propose the factors to his class. Kids can pick which country they feel will fall into a certain criteria. Then, he will run the simulation. Kids will cheer on their choice as the data progresses. That’s engagement in statistical analysis that gets kids truly engaged.

I look forward to using Gapminder more and sharing it with others.

Here’s a map of the Gapminder desktop program, as posted as an explanation.