Reflecting Forward – 2020

12 years ago, I started writing a blog, not knowing quite where the journey would take me. I was a new technology integration specialist, back when that title was novel and the position being written. Innovative tech in my coursework was building simple websites, using PowerPoints, or building webquests. What would I have thought if I had a time machine to see how 1:1 technology would transform education- through many faceted lenses? This post is not about reflecting back, though I believe I will do some of that. The year that I wrote regularly was my best year of reflection: on my work, on the changes in education around me, and on the students we reach each day. I hope to go on that journey again. Maybe not as deeply every day. Some days may be deep reflections. Others may be inspirational. Others may be moments that make teaching worth teaching.

Mostly, this gives me the opportunity to take a breath each day and appreciate and reflect on all that is around me.

Reflecting forward is about being stronger, more thoughtful, and more centered each day.

I write primarily for my reflection purposes. If you happen to find my journey, I hope you are also taking time to reflect.

What is your tool to slow down and reflect upon your day?