Day 47 of 366: Yep, Today I bought iMovie and Keynote. iBooks Author, next.

I’ve been holding out, I admit. I’ve been a Mac iMovie user for… forever. Since it began, honestly. I had Keynote on my laptop, too, when it was new. But, I hadn’t moved into these in the iOS world.

I’ve been living in a second generation iPod and first generation iPad era; hence, I had no camera. At a digital learning leadership session today, though, I finally did it. I bought both software tools for my new(ish) iPod Touch.

I was sitting at a table with some teachers who would admittedly put themselves into the technologically shy category. But, within minutes, they were creating. Through their eyes, I saw how strikingly powerful a digital device can be for crafting learning exampltes. I was excited by the conversations centered around student learning — and moving away from what students “must know.”

The other tool that I need to explore is iBooks Author. I know there has been question in the Ed Tech world about ownership of ideas. I know that the platform is tool-specific. And, I know that the format doesn’t integrate well into my vision of an LMS to deliver curriculum.  Put that aside, though, I’m smitten with the beauty and simplicity of publication through iBooks Author.

This shouldn’t surprise me. In my dual-platform home, I have a Mac for a reason. I’ve never really been blinded by the brand. It makes sense for my husband who is in networking and such in the business world to be more PC. For me, who loves digital photography, graphic design, movie editing, and digital publication… the Mac is my tool.

I’ve created a two-hour documentary on my Grandmother’s life using iMovie. I have years of digital photographs archived in iPhoto. And, I’m starting my fifth year using iWeb to publish family updates (a program that is slowly disappearing, but I cling to for its simplicity.)

It makes logical sense that I move forward into the iBooks Author world.

So, despite my misgivings on one hand, my curiosity and creativity on the other are moving me forward. I’ll take the iBooks Author plunge. Who knows where it could lead me. First, I need to upgrade my OS.

If you haven’t checked out iBooks Author’s features yet, watch the three minute video here on the Apple iBooks Author site

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