12 Library Media Specialists write an elevator speech, and the theme became “C”…

Recently I attended a training that gathered educators from all over the world to learn about the International Baccalaureate program. I spent a week working with some inspiring librarians, which will be the subject of future posts. As I embark on a mission to build a media center that is the heart of the school and a hub of inquiry, I plan to share my story.

One highlight of the week, though, was a final challenge where a few of us tackled writing an “elevator speech,” a quick few minute piece that promoted what the library media specialist could provide for the building. As the week went on, a large poster became filled with “C” words. These became the foundation for our speech.

I want to go back and perfect this piece, but you will get the idea of what we shared with other groups at the same conference.

What would you include in an elevator speech to promote library media? What “C” could we use to build on the ideas below?

Librarians are superheroes. Let us define your hero education character. We encompass all these characteristics and many more. 


We are experts. We are also generalists. We know how to find many resources in all media formats, and on many subjects so that we can support you and your curriculum. We can sit down and work through a unit planner with you, and help you brainstorm and provide resources and connect to other content, schools, and the world.


We teach information literacy, research skills and digital citizenship – in your classroom or the library.


We have an overarching vision of the whole school and can help you know what is going on in other classrooms and disciplines, encouraging collaboration and avoiding duplication. We can also provide an interdisciplinary perspective which supports cross curricular and global learning.

critical thinking

We enable students to locate materials, to find reliable resources, and to think critically about the information they encounter in their academic and personal journeys.


We are able to provide collections of materials to support your units of study. We provide 24/7 access to eresources, catalogs, databases, websites, links, ebooks, and audio sources.t


We can help students to create innovative, meaningful learning products.


We provide space to celebrate and display products of student learning and evidence of engagement. We provide a flexible, comfortable, safe, and hospitable work environment for you and students, extending your classroom beyond four walls.


We think deeply and thoroughly about the needs and issues our students and teachers are faced with. We spend time to find resources that best fit everyone’s needs and provide them in the library.


We have the time and resources to find connections to learning in books, digital resources, and in relationships with others across the globe. Let us help to facilitate these connections.


We offer an environment that is safe and caring where all school constituencies belong are and accepted. We are here to support teachers and students.


We are curious! Are you curious to find out more? Find your librarian.


As educational superheroes, we are your biggest supporters. At same time, we need you to utilize and advocate so that we can best support you. Use us to help manage all that you have to do. We have the knowledge, strength, expertise come to your assistance.


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